nspctl for systemd-nspawn containers
nspctl, management tool for systemd-nspawn containers.
Why nspctl?
There are different tools for systemd-nspawn containers. You can use native tools ('machinectl' command) to manage for containers. But systemd-nspawn, machinectl or other tools do not support non-systemd containers. (non-systemd containers: containers with another init system from systemd. Such as systemv, openrc, upstart, busybox init, etc.)
nspctl supports containers with any init system. nspctl provides almost all of the features that machinectl provides.
Currently implemented features are:
running containers
stopped containers
all containers
Containers info
Containers status
Start the container
Stop the container
Reboot the container
Remove the container
Enable the container (the container to be launched at boot)
Disable the container at startup
Copy files from host in to a container
Login the container shell
Pull and register containers(raw, tar and docker images)
Bootstrap Debian container ("jessie" and newer are supported)
Bootstrap Ubuntu container ("xenial" and newer are supported)
Bootstrap Arch Linux container
Bootstrap Alpine Linux container("v3.13" and newer are supported)
Remove hidden VM or container images
Remove all VM and container images
Run a new command in a running container (non-interactive shell)
Renames a container or VM image
import raw, tar and directory container images
Python >=3.8
systemd-container package
For Debian and Ubuntu:
$ apt-get install systemd-container
For Centos, Fedora or Redhat Based Distributions:
$ yum install systemd-container
$ dnf install systemd-container
From Github:
Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/mofm/nspctl
and install via pip:
$ pip install nspctl/
If you would like to install for your user:
$ pip install --user nspctl/
and you need to add '.local/bin' directory to your path
$ export PATH="~/.local/bin/:$PATH"
nspctl [ arguments ] [ options ] [ container name | URL | distribution ] [ ... ]
list : List currently running (online) containers.
$ nspctl list
list-stopped : List stopped containers.( shortopts: 'lss')
$ nspctl list-stopped $ nspctl lss
list-running : List currently running containers.(alias: 'list', shortopt: 'lsr')
$ nspctl list-running $ nspctl lsr
list-all : List all containers.(shortopt: 'lsa')
$ nspctl list-all $ nspctl lsa
info NAME : Show properties of container.
$ nspctl info ubuntu-20.04
start NAME : Start a container as system service.
$ nspctl start ubuntu-20.04
reboot NAME : Reboot a container.
$ nspctl reboot ubuntu-20.04
stop NAME : Stop a container. Shutdown cleanly.(alias: 'poweroff')
$ nspctl stop ubuntu-20.04
terminate NAME : Immediately terminates container without cleanly shutting it down.
$ nspctl terminate ubuntu-20.04
poweroff NAME : Poweroff a container. Shutdown cleanly.
$ nspctl poweroff ubuntu-20.04
enable NAME : Enable a container as a system service at system boot.
$ nspctl enable ubuntu-20.04
disable NAME : Disable a container as a system service at system boot.
$ nspctl disable ubuntu-20.04
remove NAME : Remove a container completely.
$ nspctl remove ubuntu-20.04
shell NAME : Open an interactive shell session in a container.
$ nspctl shell ubuntu-20.04
copy-to NAME SOURCE DESTINATION : Copies files from the host system into a running container.
$ nspctl copy-to ubuntu-20.04 /home/hostuser/magicfile /home/containeruser/
clean : Remove hidden VM or container images. This command removes all hidden machine images from /var/lib/machines/.
$ nspctl clean
clean-all : Remove all VM or container images. This command removes all machine images from /var/lib/machines/.
$ nspctl clean-all
exec NAME 'COMMAND' : Runs a new command in a running container.
$ nspctl exec ubuntu-20.04 'cat /etc/os-release'
rename NAME NEWNAME : Renames a container or VM image.
$ nspctl rename ubuntu-20.04 ubuntu-newimage
usage : nspctl usage page
$ nspctl usage
--help : display help page and exit
$ nspctl --help or -h
Container Operations:
pull-tar URL NAME : Downloads a .tar container image from the specified URL.(tar, tar.gz, tar.xz, tar.bz2)
$ nspctl pull-tar https://github.com/mofm/meta-econ/releases/download/v0.3.0-r2/econ-tiny-nginx-20220123-qemux86-64.tar.xz econ-nginx
pull-raw URL NAME : Downloads a .raw container from the specified URL.(qcow2 or compressed as gz, xz, bz2)
$ nspctl pull-raw https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/35/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-35-1.2.x86_64.raw.xz fedora-cloud-base-35
import-raw IMAGE NAME : Execute a
machinectl import-raw
to import a .qcow2 or raw disk image.
$ nspctl import-raw Fedora-Cloud-Base-35-1.2.x86_64.raw.xz fedora-cloud-base-35
import-tar IMAGE NAME : Execute a
machinectl import-tar
to import a .tar container image.
$ nspctl import-tar econ-tiny-nginx-20220123-qemux86-64.tar.xz econ-nginx
import-fs DIRECTORY NAME : Execute a
machinectl import-fs
to import a directory image.
$ nspctl import-fs econ-tiny-nginx-20220123 econ-httpd
bootstrap NAME DIST VERSION : Bootstrap a container from package servers. Supported Distributions are Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Alpine Linux.
$ nspctl bootstrap alpine-3.15 alpine latest-stable $ nspctl bootstrap ubuntu-20.04 ubuntu focal $ nspctl bootstrap debian-latest debian stable $ nspctl bootstrap arch-test arch